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Re: Warp & SVGA video

In message Wed, 23 Nov 1994 14:04:46 -0800 (PST),
  "Martin P. Smith" <msmith@netcom.com>  writes:

> I am not going to re-install stacker [for OS/2] as I am waiting for an
> 810 Meg HD

For those of us who are less fortunate in our bank accounts, I highly
recommend you try out Zipstream on ftp-os2.cdrom.com in the directory
/pub/os2/32bit/diskutil/zs102b.zip.  It supports HPFS, it's multi-threaded
so it seems fast, it compresses each file individually (so you won't lose
all your data because of one bad sector), and it gets compression ratios
within 1% of PKZip by my tests.  Registration is about US$35.  Right now
I'm trying to figure out if it works under Warp (kinda hard since IBM lost
my copy of Warp :-).
| |                                                                     |
| | John H. Kim    "None of what you are seeing is actually happening." |
| | jokim@mit.edu                                                       |
| | jokim@uni.uiuc.edu   - disclaimer for TV movie 'Without Warning'    |