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IBM Ethernet PCMCIA adapter survives fall

Here I am packing to leave for NY for Thanksgiving.  I had my TP750 set up
so I could get a last batch of mail before I left.  I don't see the
ethernet cord coming out of my TP and I tripped on it.  Well, it really
didn't have enough mass to trip me, rather my foot yanked the card right
out of the socket (the dongle thingy has a lock).  It flew about 5 feet
across the room and landed on the hardwood floor.  *OUCH*

Well, I picked it up, plugged it back in (the computer was on all this time
with OS/2 2.1 and EZPlay installed), and held my breath....  and  ....  it
worked just fine.  *phew*  Heart attack averted.  From OS/2 and the TP's
point of view, all I'd done was removed the card and hot-plugged it back in.

Just thought you'all'd like to know what I'm doing here at the Destructive
Testing Methods Research Labs here at MIT.  :-)  Have a nice Thanksgiving
| |                                                                     |
| | John H. Kim    "None of what you are seeing is actually happening." |
| | jokim@mit.edu                                                       |
| | jokim@uni.uiuc.edu   - disclaimer for TV movie 'Without Warning'    |