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Re: Warp/APM woes

I installed Warp 3.0 this weekend on my TP 755Cs (8MB Ram, 170 MB HDD 
:-)  )

Couple of questions:
1)  I can't get my windows apps to work seamlessly.  They work fine from 
the Win-OS/2 desktop, but when I try to set up objects on the PM desktop 
(yes, they are configured as 3.1 enhanced, etc.) the applications bomb. I 
would particularly like to get Wordperfect running on the desktop so that 
I could simply quit using the Windows Progman desktop.

2)  It's fairly fast.  Quite an improvement over 2.11.

3)  It takes a lot of hard disk space.  Definitely advanced my need for a 
340 or 540 MB HDD.

Anyone know why I can't get my Windows apps to run seamlessly?

                                             Glendale, CA 