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Re: Setup for soundcard

In message Fri, 4 Nov 94 08:48:45 PST,
  george@cs.nps.navy.mil (Robert George)  writes:
>>    Anyway, to clarify, on a 755C, I run DOOM in a DOS window under OS/2
>>  with  sounds and music, I use the Adlib setting for the Music card, and
>>  the  PC SPeaker for Sounds FX, the latter is of course not great, but

> I'm amazed that you got even the music to work, especially under DOS
> emulation with OS/2.

I've run across a handful of programs whose soundcard support works under
an OS/2 DOS box, but not under DOS.  I suspect OS/2 may be doing a better
job of tricking the software into thinking there's a real sound card
John H. Kim        | "None of what you are seeing is actually happening."
jokim@mit.edu      |    - disclaimer for TV movie 'Without Warning'
jokim@uni.uiuc.edu |