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Re: Setup for soundcard

In message Fri, 04 Nov 94 09:12:51 -0800, Bruce Reed <bruce@objy.com>  writes:

> I think you're confusing DOOM 2.0 for DOS with DOOM for OS/2, or
> DOOM/2. Supposedly a native OS/2 version is in the works.

Oh, it exists all right.  The guy whose company is doing the port spoke at
the last OS/2 user's group meeting here at MIT.  It's not as fast as under
DOS, but it looked impressive with decent speed.  It's supposed to be out
by the end of the year.
John H. Kim        | "None of what you are seeing is actually happening."
jokim@mit.edu      |    - disclaimer for TV movie 'Without Warning'
jokim@uni.uiuc.edu |