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Doublespace Problem, Minimum Windows


1. I run Borland C++ under Windows, and also a bunch of
   DOS applications.  They do not all fit on the 170 Mb hard
   drive of my TP500 with all the junk shipped with the

2. I installed Doublespace that came with the machine, but
   when my machine crashed due to a programming error in a
   program I was working on, Doublespace reported errors on
   the compressed drive, took three hours to analyze, scan,
   and correct the error, and still lost my entire WordPerfect

3. I wish to get rid of Doublespace, yet still fit everything,
   including Windows, on my hard drive.  I'm willing to
   reinstall the whole thing from scratch, as I really want to
   get rid of the stuff that came preinstalled and did not
   come with an uninstall program.

My questions:

How do I install Windows in it's absolute minimum-disk-usage
configuration?  Does anyone have a pointer to a book, or
magazine article?  I've seen suggestions about removing extra
screen drivers, etc.--is there a list somewhere of everything
I can remove?  Can I get rid of a lot of the Windows
applications, such as Solitaire, Minesweeper, Write, Terminal,

Any advice appreciated.

 ___  __  __  ___ 
(  ,)(  \/  )(  ,)  Bruce M. Binder
 ) ,\ )    (  ) ,\  Locus Computing Corporation  (619) 546-9509
(___/(_/\/\_)(___/  San Diego, California    <bruceb@locus.com>