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Prices of New 755s

I have been considering the prices of the new 755s. The old 755s
prices have been reduced by 17% according to a clarinet report
but the new ones are just as expensive as before.

Its just my thought on the matter that this is probably due to
high cost as the thinkpad notebooks are manufactured in Japan. It
seems ironic to me that while a Japanese company like Toshiba
would produce their notebooks in the US for that market, an
American company like IBM would do exactly the opposite. Lets
face it, Thinkpad owners like us have been hit by the high yen in
in as much as owners of Toshiba notebooks have been enjoying the
benefits of being insulated from foreign exchange rate

I also venture to suggest that the reason why TPs are manufactured
in Japan in the first place is because the concept and original
development is largely a matter of IBM Japan. I wonder whether
IBM intends to move production away from that country, dollar for
dollar the PC Company cant be making as good a return on capital
as their nearest competitor in the field of notebooks.

I for one look forward to the day when Thinkpads can be produced
in a country with a weak currency but with the same high quality
as its now.

     .----------------  Wilson Yip  ---------------------,
     |   ____   ,__o  | Internet: wilsony@singnet.com.sg |
     | ____   _-\_<,  |----------------------------------|
     |       (*)/'(*) | Singapore    Fax: (65)225-0032   |