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Thinkware (THUGCO)

>> How about the Thinkpad User's Group Company (THUGCO).  

How about ThinkWare?

>	You show a good example of a taking advantage of an unmet need in
>a niche market.  This is what works.  If you had said, "Let's build our own

I've sent Randy email expressing my interest in this idea.  We
have quite a range of talent on this list and, if we could harness
it, we could have quite an operation going.

This niche market is an area that dearly needs fulfilling.  The
Thinkpad is full of untapped potential.  And furthermore, the way
IBM has been selling them, a big market may exist out there.  That
would have to be something we would have to look into of course.

There are a number of areas to start with even on a small level --
take the PCMCIA ports for example.  Simply selling an improved
version may not only make many TP owners happier, but get us a
start.  Then we could move to docks, floppy bay expansion stuff,
etc.  There's a load of untapped potential.

I hope that anyone interested will contact Randy.
Sean Chou / schou@uiuc.edu / CompuServe 73672,2111