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Re: TP750, OS/2, and Ethernet

On Thu, 27 Oct 1994, John Kim wrote:
> I'm shopping for a PCMCIA ethernet card.  Could those of you who've gotten
> such a beastie working on your TP75x running OS/2 please tell me what brand
> and model card you used?  Thanks.

  I've got a Linksys Ethercombo on my 750. The only disadvantage is that 
it won't work with card & socket services. (Something about the pcmcia 
version) But since I'm using the point enabler (C&SS was _too big_) that 
suited me just fine. It came with a packet driver and all the Novell and 
Workgroups drivers. It'll take 10baseT or 10base2 with no setting to 
change - it's autodetecting. And the price was right.

  One card I would _not_ reccomend is the Megahertz ethercard. I had it 
for 48 hours. It was $10 more then the ethercombo, and when I called them 
about getting the 10base2 dongle they quoted me a price of $100. Of 
course, this being Megahertz, they kept me on hold for 40 minutes first. 
This was the day before they discontinued 800 support, and I was damned 
if I'd wait for them on my dime in the future. Not to mention that the 
first tech I got on the phone didn't even know they made the card, then 
the second told me that 'the guy' who knew about what I was asking was 
not there that week.