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Re: Hard drive cases/connectors

In message Wed, 26 Oct 1994 15:45:34 -0500 (CDT),
  strat@dsd.northrop.com (Scott Stratmoen)  writes:

>> The cable is the problem - it isn't the normal ribbon type cable.  It
>> looks  like metal etched onto a flexible plastic backing.  The widths
>> of the plugs  on either end are different so the cable compresses the
>> wires into a smaller  width at one end.
> It's a flex pwb.  I don't have time to deal with this, but someone with
> pwb software could layout that cable in a few hours. Getting together a
> group purchase shouldn't be that hard.

Sounds like beginnings of a plan to me.  :-)  Do you know someone that can
manufacture this stuff?

> The connector on the thinkpad
> should be possible to obtain. Why doesn't someone post on the compuserve
> forum and see if one of the product engineers will give out the part
> number.

Well I don't have a CompuServe account so if someone else could do this,
we'd be much obliged.

> Otherwise look in a Digikey catalog, for example.

That's where I found the (standard) hard drive plug.  I'm still leafing
through that and other catalogs looking for the two other parts.
John H. Kim        | "Mike Espy simply forgot he was no longer a Congressman."
jokim@mit.edu      | -anonymous, on the Secretary of Agriculture's resignation
jokim@uni.uiuc.edu | due to conflict of interest charges for accepting gifts.