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RE: Why no third party solutions?

>actually, there is a company that specializes in batteries for
>PC-compatible notebooks.  Of course, I can't remember their name, but

I'm all batteried out - I've got two, which with the amazinly long life of my 
mono 750 is all I need. I _would_ buy a 30 second battery for the adaptor 
port so I could change batteries w/o powering down, though.

I will buy immidiately a mini-dock/port replicator with SCSI. The exact 
moment someone shows it to me. Really. Even if it was true blue and cost 
the usual $too-much. So someone - go make it.

Donald Alan Whiteside			School of Computer Science
Eternal Student				Florida International University
    GCS d-- -p+(---) l u+(-) e+ m+ s !n h f g+ w+ t+(++) r- y++
      I am NSA of Borg: your private key will be assimilated.