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Re: Why no third party solutions? backups, etc.

>I know this isn't the best forum to ask, but I'm looking for external 
>backup (pref HD, but if anyone has good tape experiences do let me know) 
>for my TP.  I nearly strangled a guy that kept insisting 'you just insert 
>this ISA controller...'.  He just didn't get it.  And his booth was 
>across from IBM - I was even *pointing* to a thinkpad!

I got a iomega parallel port II 250Meg (compressed) recently and I think 
it's great.  There are several other tape backups in our org. and the iomega 
is quieter, faster, it comes with better software, EPP support, and the 
installation was so easy I couldn't believe that it would actually work.  
The installation program doesn't even muck with your initialization files!  
It works great!  Hard disks make poor backups, because their total capacity 
is always limited.  With tapes you can keep buying more, and they aren't 
subject to power spike destruction etc.  There are several better backup 
media available these days, but they all are substantially more expensive.

I agree that the screen/keyboard latches are weak engineering.  Probably the 
most poorly designed piece on the computer....except maybe the pcmcia 
covers.  The silly "lock" mechanism deserves an honorable mention.  I 
suspect that this piece of false security can be cut with a sturdy pair of 


Victor Kress
Carnegie Institution of Washington, Geophysical Laboratory
5251 Broad Branch Road N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20015-1305
(202)686-2410 x2489