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Re: Disks for 75x's

On Thu, 13 Oct 1994, Len Jacobson wrote:

> I am using compression on my TP750C on a 340 MB disk.  It works perfectly --
> no problems that I am aware of.
> > Alternatively, I am thinking of compressing my files using stacker.
> > Any info on that, esp. for those of u who use this method?
> > 
> > Vince
> > 
I've used DOS 6.2 Compression on a number of computers without a hitch, 
and am currently using the Stacker (PCDOS6.3 version) and have had a 
perfect record there also.  Just to be sure, I've got two logical disks - 
an unstacked portion for all data, and stacked one for installable 
applications. (ie. if I had a catastrophic stacker breakdown, I'd still 
have Windows, DOS and all my data).