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A wanna be with a few que

PP>With my budget I have a choice of 3 systems:

And a nice choice it is too !

PP>The above systems are all the same price and within my budget.  What
PP>I need to  know is pros and cons.  The only TP I've played with is a
PP>350C.  It had a passive display that was quite nice. (9.2 STN backlit
PP>color LCD VGA, 256 colors (of 256)) - this description bothers me
PP>since I thought SVGA was required for 256 colors.  The 350 lacked the
PP>expandability I deem necessary.

I had a 350C on loan for a couple of weeks, and wasn't impressed with it 
all.  The colour (admittedly it *was* and old machine) wasn't good, and 
as you say it's really a 'what-you-buy-is-what-you-keep' sort of 

PP>At any rate, the differences in displays (unseen) is a concern since
PP>I don't understand all the differences - and they all seem to be
PP>different. I do know active matrix is a winner but I wonder about the
PP>size (8.4)

The 360Cs has a 9.5" screen, which to me is a more useable size.  I 
would think the 8.4" screen would be quite tiring.

PP>I know the advantages of ram, so the 12 meg system is appealing, but
PP>not having a full DX down the line is a concern and I don't know if
PP>that expansion path is available in the 360.

Likewise, I don't know whether you can expand the 360 in this way.  I've 
got 8MB in my machine, and was told by some of our 'techy' people that 4 
-> 8MB would make a noticeable improvement, but to make a further 
improvement you'd need to go to at least 16MB....

PP>I know I'm just thinking out loud here, but my main concern is
PP>longevity and expanability down the line.  The port ability (on
PP>paper) looks to be the same for the 360 and 755 apart from the sound
PP>ability on the 755.  
PP>At any rate, if you could buy one of the above systems tomorrow,
PP>which would you buy, and why.

Well, I'd buy the 360Cs, which as you've guessed is the one I've got.  
I've also gone for the 340MB hard disk, which will hopefully last me a 
little while (unless Mr. Gates does his usual with his upgrades !).  To 
me, the TFT screen is great (one of my colleagues has a 750), but I'd 
only want it with a decent-sized screen (the 75x machines come with a 
10.4" screen, from what I remember), so that rules out the 360C.  The 
755 is obviously a great machine, but your choice is restricted (I 
guess) to the mono version.  I used a mono GRiD 386 and then a mono 
ThinkPad 700 and 720, and, while at the time I thought mono was alright 
(I'm lucky that I've got a monitor in the office I can plug in to), 
having lived with the colour screen for a couple of months now, I 
wouldn't *dream* of going back to mono.

Before you buy, hopefully some of the people who read/write in this 
conference can let us know about the new ThinkPads which I think will 
soon be released.  If nothing else, you might be able to get your 
machine more cheaply !

Hope this helps.  Sorry to have gone on so much.  Please let us know 
what you end up with !  

Regards, | Internet:  patrick.whittick@fonix.org  _or_     | C'serve id:
Patrick  | PATRICK-WHITTICK-18/417+aIUP%Ford@mcimail.com | 100117.2667

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