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Re: Urgent Help on Slackware 2.0 (Linux)

> Ok, I'm stuck!
> I downloaded slackware 2.0, including the tp-bare boot disk, and
> installed linux on my machine (no X yet, but: A, AP, D, E disks)
> I have a 25 meg dos partition, (primary) and 130 linux plus ~10 megs swap
> (i have 8 megs RAM)
> Here's the problem:
> When booting lilo, with the tp-bare disk, i nedd to type:
> mount root=/dev/hda2 in order to make linux recognize my HD,
> however, when i do this, i can't find my floppy (/dev/fd0) and therefore,
> i can't copy the kernel from the floppy into the HD.
> If i boot just from the hard drive i get a "Kernel Panic, Can't mount Root"
> message.  If, OTOH i try to boot w/o specifying the mount command,
> i don't see the HD anywhere in the tree..
> As you can see, i've run out of options, please e-mail me with any ideas...
> BTW, i have the file from the Web site regarding installation on the TP's,
> but being a unix newbie, i don't know how to apply the patches... I have
> a feeling this is a much better way to go about the installation, but i
> have no idea how to prepare (cut and paste) the mod files and how to apply
> them thereafter...
> Thanks in advance for all you  help!
> Art
> Arturo J. Morales                  |  ajm1@mit.edu
> Department of Biology              | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     When All you Have Is A Hammer, Everything Looks Like A Nail...
Download the tp75x install diskette from someone on this newgroup who has it.