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750Cs and linux info

ok, so i browsed the instructions for installing linux on the Tp's
however, i'm still not clear on a couple of points:

1 - Is it possible to install from anything but CDROM? i don't
own a CDROM yet, but would like to have linux instead of DOS/WINDOWS/OS2

if the answer is no, which CDROM is the best for the TP's? (How much)

2 - What's the status of X on the Cs ?

3 - how feasible is it to install on 8 megs ram and 170 disk (upgrading
hardware is not out of the question...)

well, that should do it for now...

thanks a lot...


Arturo J. Morales                  |  ajm1@mit.edu
Department of Biology              | Massachusets Institute of Technology
    When All you Have Is A Hammer, Everything Looks Like A Nail...