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Re: Question on the 32 RAM upgrade for the TP 750..

> why would one want the DIMM over the 32 MB card
> (because you can put two of them in = 68MB total)

Just wondering.. what do you use your ThinkPad for that would require so much
memory?  And, not to get too personal or anything, but you must either be
wealthy or have a huge expenditure allotment where you work.

I don't know how much a 32Mb DIMM would cost, but to extrapolate:

A 4Mb DIMM lists for $345 and a 16Mb DIMM is $1,745 (according to the TP755C
announcement from IBM on 5/24/94).  Thus, it costs about 5 times more for 4
times the memory for obvious reasons.  It would follow that a 32Mb DIMM would
list for about 2.5 that of the 16Mb, so ($1,745 * 2.5) = 4,362.50.

So, for 2 32Mb DIMMs and DIMM adaptor, you're looking at around eight 
thousand bucks. Wow!

Now I know very well that the ThinkPad and its accessories are by no 
means cheap as I have sunk around $9,000 into my 755C with 20Mb RAM and 
810Mb HDD, but *this* seems a little outrageous to me.

Gary Savoran, savoran@cns.cscns.com