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TP 360 question (fwd)

	Hi list--Patrick Whittick sent this to me.  He thinks there
is some trouble mailing to the list so I decided to forward this on
his behalf and see what happens.

Forwarded message:
> From patrick.whittick%fonix.UUCP@exnet.com Mon Sep 26 10:02:54 1994
> To: whittle@chaph.usc.edu
> Subject: TP 360 question
> From: patrick.whittick@fonix.org (Patrick Whittick)
> Message-Id: <1531.150.uupcb@fonix.org>
> Date: Mon, 26 Sep 94 14:04:00 -0100
> Organization: FONiX Info Systems ~ Binfield, UK ~ +44 (344) 306986/7/8/9
> Reply-To: patrick.whittick@fonix.org (Patrick Whittick)
> Randall,
> Firstly, apologies for sending this direct to you, but when I tried to 
> send to the TP750@CS.UTK.EDU address, nothing happened.  What *should* I 
> have done ?
> Anyway, the question (which I'm asking just in case the message IS 
> available for everyone) : I stupidly d/loaded and installed the IBM 
> Audio disk which says that it's for the 360.  I installed it, but when I 
> look at Windows' Control Panel Drivers, I get the following message: 
> 'Cannot load the IBM AUDIO Wave Midi Aux Driver driver.  The driver file 
> may be missing'.
> I then called IBM to ask them what to do, and was told that this option 
> should only be used if you've got a 360 with sound card (didn't know 
> there was such a beast).
> Apart from not working, I think my machine has slowed down, so I'd like 
> to delete everything to do with IBM Audio from my machine.  Gulp.  If I 
> try and delete the IBM AUDIO Wave Midi Aux Driver, I get the somewhat 
> worrying message: 'The IBM AUDIO Wave Midi Aux Driver is required by the 
> system.  If you remove it, your system may not work properly.  Are you 
> sure you want to remove it ?'
> Any suggestions ?  Can I just delete it ?  All I was trying to do was 
> get some sort of sound from my 360, and had tried using the speaker.drv 
> file which _worked)_, but each sound lasted around five-six seconds...  
> When I saw this utility on the IBM BB, I thought that my prayers had 
> been answered.  Alas, no.
> Regards, | Internet:  patrick.whittick@fonix.org  _or_     | C'serve id:
> Patrick  | PATRICK-WHITTICK-18/417+aIUP%Ford@mcimail.com | 100117.2667
> ---
> . CMPQwk 1.4 #9237 . Two most common elements: Hydrogen & Stupidity
> ----
> +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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> |       9 Gig - RsaNET - ILink - RIME (->FONIX) - FidoNET (2:252/171)       |
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-----                                          ________________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@chaph.usc.edu         |  Some guy hit my fender the  |
USC School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)|other day, and I said unto him|
  (My opinions are mine, but since I'm         |  "Be fruitful and multiply." |
    right, they should be yours too.)          |   --but not in those words.  |