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Re: Okay, I've built my TP360 kernel

> Well, I finally got Linux loaded on my Pentium and build a TP360
> kernel. I built it to a floppy (with no root system) and it booted. I
> will gladly build a kernel for you if you tell me what you need.

Great!  Thanks.  I'm, sure a lot of people are desperate. :)

> Also, have you considered how you'll load Linux onto your 750 with the
> new kernel?
Yes...this is a great concern.  Any ideas?  That's my problem.  Err...how 
did you load linux on your 750?  

Basically, I have this: Slackware 2.0.0.  I have a TP750 kernel; however 
it seems to not boot up the machine.  I think I need something else.  Is 
it possible to create modified versions of the boot and color install 
disks that come with Linux?  If so, maybe that'd help.  Or...I just need 
some way of transferring Linux to my HD so that I can boot off my HD (I 
think that would include Lilo...).  Hmm.  The problem w/ the installation 
is that setup hangs when ever I get to the "install from another HD 
partition" or "install from floppy."  If I install from floppy, when I 
insert another floppy in place of the install disk ("Insert disk A1"), 
the system says something to the effect of "/dev/fd0 already mounted!!!" 
and then the program says "Error reading device...try again?"  So the 
Linux install program is not smart enough to know when to remount a 
disk.  That's why I then tried installing the A disks off my other DOS 
partition.  When this occurs, the system _reboots_.  I can't figure out 
why it reboots.  This happens EVERY time.  Very frustrating.  I 
dunno...if you're really bored <grin>, perhaps you could make some disks 
that would allow installation from the other disks (i.e. make a modified 
boot and install disk?  dunno if that will work...).  Or, perhaps, you 
could just suggest a way of installing Lilo and the kernel manually 
(doubtful this will work though it's worth a try).  I've been documenting 
everything I've done so far, so if a way could be found to install Linux 
easily (read boot/install disks that work), then perhaps all TP750 users 
can remember your name for eons :).  What version of slackware did you 
use?  Maybe the newest install is not compatible with the 750???

> Let me know if you still need a hand. Ed
Ditto. :)

Good luck.