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Re: could someone please email me the disks for the 750c?

In message Wed, 6 Jul 1994 17:21:47 -0400 (EDT),
  jcumming@epas.utoronto.ca (James Cummings)  writes:

>> It has been written by the hand of chan4@husc.harvard.edu that:
>> Yeah, IBM says no "electronic dist."  But, isn't that meant for people
>> who don't have the Thinkpad 75x?  I mean...what are we going to use
>> these  disks for anyways, even if we don't have a thinkpad?

> If I had a copy of the disks, since I don't view it as morally wrong, I
> happen  to know a way which they could be posted to the mailing list
> anonymously. Or on an FTP site very temporarily.  But unfortunately I
> don't have them

This is really getting ridiculous.  As many of you know, I've been dealing
with TP7xx development in Japan and the adminstrator of IBM's ftp site at
software.watson.ibm.com.  The disks were supposedly mailed from Japan to the
U.S. several months ago (this is the only way software for the ftp site is
accepted for some reason).  They're probably out of date now.  Does anyone
have any contacts further up at IBM so we can get some action?

Perhaps if someone can get some postal addresses, we can start a letter
writing campaign?  Or maybe we can set up an unauthorized ftp site and when
someone at IBM complains we can route our protests through him?
John H. Kim              | "Just try telling the IRS you don't feel like
jokim@jarthur.cs.hmc.edu | 'contributing' this year come April" - Bob Dole
This mail sent by NUPop  | on Bill Clinton's avoidance of the word "taxes"