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RE: Introduction

In message Sun, 3 Jul 94 19:33:47 MET DST,
  Paulo Magalhaes <pamaga@biobase.aau.dk>  writes:

> I joined this list because my machine came with a Danish set
> of manuals and "additional software" (the three disks that
> come with it). Although I am in Denmark, my knowledge of this
> language is rather rudimentary, so I would love to get my hands
> on the English versions (the company that sold me the machine
> wants extra cash for this, and IBM here in Denmark hasn't been
> much help). Question 1, then: is there an electronic version
> of the manuals?

Yes.  If your computer should have a DOS on-line reference.  Look in the
READIBM directory.  If you don't have it I'm sure you can get it off the
IBM BBS or IBM Denmark can get it for you (or someone can mail it to you
although IBM might not be happy if we did that).  It's about 1.6 MB

> Question 2: can I download an English version
> of the three disks I mentioned? (Do similar machines sold in
> other countries come with different software?)

Each disk has a readme file on it that describes the installation procedure.
If yours are in Danish, I'd be happy to mail you the English readmes.  Just
find out which version of each disk you have so we don't get too confused.

> And now that I'm here... I would like to buy a PCMCIA fax/modem
> (14.4 or higher) in the nearby future - are there alternatives
> to the IBM one?

Megahertz and AT&T both make popular 14.4 PCMCIA fax modems (both have 16550
UARTS and really good support policies).  Other brands are USR, Practical
Peripherals, Intel, and several others.  Megahertz has announced they'll
release a 28.8 V.34 modem this Fall.  Incidently, the Megahertz 1xxx series
has a 16450 UART, while the 2xxx series has a 16550 UART.
John H. Kim              | "Just try telling the IRS you don't feel like
jokim@jarthur.cs.hmc.edu | 'contributing' this year come April" - Bob Dole
This mail sent by NUPop  | on Bill Clinton's avoidance of the word "taxes"