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Re: Disk compression

> I am seriously trying to use the Windows system on my TP750C. I am used to
> the simple and fast DesqView on my old l40SX with 40M disk and 4M memory.
> With 12M on the TP I can use programs with just a little agression, but 170M
> is very little, 140M programs gives little room for data. The price for a
> 340M disk is frightening and there is no trade-in arrangement.
> SO:
> What is the experience with the compression program that is delivered with
> IBM DOS 6.1. I it simple and safe to use ???
> Thor \ivind Jensen

	I use Stacker 4.0 which has some *really* incredible compression
(I've never seen a compressed drive do more than 1.8:1--and that was
lucky.  My Stacker 4.0 drive now does in excess of 1.9:1, after
previously only getting 1.7:1 under previous compression software).  I have
no problems with it--runs like a peach.

	The stuff that comes with IBM DOS is SuperStor, and while I cannot
vouch for them personally, I've heard nothing but good stuff about it.  I
think you'll be safe with it.  A couple things to keep in mind:  (1) Make
sure you leave a significant uncompressed drive space if at all possible.
There are times you'll really want it.  I suggest 20 to 30 MB at a minimum.
(2) Do not "swap" the drives (i.e., after bootup, the compressed drive
suddenly becomes "C:" and the uncompressed gets switched to "D:".  There is
usually a driver that can do this).  It is just too confusing and you'll
have trouble at times with software installations.  Just treat the
compressed volume as the next logical drive (D:) and re-install
your software such that it all knows they're on the D: drive...

	Good luck!

Randy Whittle    whittle@chaph.usc.edu
University of Southern California School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)
 - Motorcycle nut, HP 48GX & 100LX user, & lover of fine chocolate...
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