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Re: Serial port & Modems (External)

> > 	Is there anyone on this list who uses the external serial port
> > and connects a v.32bis modem to it?
> I did this for a while with an Intel 14.4 fax/modem.
> > 	I runs fine when I lock it down at about 9600 baud, but at 14.4K
> > Baud, I have some problems.  Namely, it seems to scramble an occasional
> > character when I'm in this EMACS editor, but more seriously, prevents
> > any meaningful file transfer at 14.4K baud (though 9600 works okay).  It
> > produces a number of CRC errors.
> Yes, the TP750 only has a 16450 UART.  On top of that, the serial port seems
> to be worse than others (my 386/33 with a 16450 had better performance while
> multitasking under OS/2).  Someone else messing with (I think) a SLIP
> connection reported problems even with a bare config.sys and autoexec.bat.
> One thing that does cause problems is the DOS FuelDOS TSR.  If you're

	It was suggested that I not load it, so I took it out--no difference.

> loading that, don't.  You might also try removing all nonessentials from
> your config.sys, autoexec.bat, and auto-starting Windows programs one by
> one to see if any of them are causing problems.  Once I got rid of FUELDOS
> I had no problem with file transfers at 14.4 kbps under DOS.  OS/2 still
> dropped the occasional character.

	If OS/2 dropped a character every now and then, you can imagine
what was happening in Windows!  I'm not interested in dropping to DOS
for communications either...

	Is there any kind of difficulty with the faster PCMCIA modems?
> Does anyone know if the 755 (and 360 and 510) have a 16550?  I think it's a
> disgrace that vendors try to save a few bucks by using a 16450.  This ranks
> right up there with clocks that are less accurate than $5 digital watches.

	Indeed--I paid $5000 for this machine, you'd think I'd get the
slight premium feature of a 16550 UART....

	Of course, I noticed (a week late) a few weeks ago, some guy selling
a 755Cs for *one half* what it was worth--I could shoot myself for not
looking in that newspaper sooner.  I figure I could switch the screens and
hard drive and had myself a wonderful 755C for myself and a 750Cs to sell!

Randy Whittle    whittle@chaph.usc.edu
University of Southern California School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)
 - Motorcycle nut, HP 48GX & 100LX user, & lover of fine chocolate...
 "It's not denial, I'm just very selective about the reality I accept!" -Calvin
 "Consensus is the negation of leadership." - Margaret Thatcher