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Re: TP360

> My girlfriend has a 750 with which she is very pleased, and I am looking 
> to buy a laptop.  I am considering two currently: the Thinkpad 360 and 
> Toshiba 1910.  I'd just likke to know a few of the technical specs of the 
> 360.
> I'm looking at an SL33, Monochrome, 200MB HDD, 8MB Ram.

I've only seen the 360 offered with a 170MB HDD.

> (a) can the processor on the 360 be upgraded (ie. not hardwired)

No. It's an SL enhanced 486SX-33. No hardware floating point :-(.

> (b) what is the video resolution on the external monitor
>     is it 1MB video ram?

1024x768x256; yes, 1MB video RAM. Uses the WD90C24 chipset, I think.

> (c) will the UART on the serial port supportreliable 14.400 file transfers?

Apparently the serial port UART is a 16550 (or compatible). I haven't
tried file transfers.

> (d) are the screen, disk and memory user upgradeable?

I don't think the screen is. Both the disk and disk and memory are,
although from what I can tell you'll have to buy an IBM disk drive.

> (e) are the power management / power monitoring features the same?

The 360 doesn't have a "smart" battery, which means you only get rough
estimates on remaining battery life. The fueldos program seems to provide
four levels of power: 100%, 80-20% remaining, 10% or critically low. If
you use a 750 style battery I think you get better information. Other
than that, I believe the power features are the same.

> (f) is the case / keyboard / disk etc. identical between 750/360 models?

As far as I can tell, yes. Certainly the disk drives are interchangeable,
and the 360 has the same flipup keyboard. The 360 can use many of the
same peripherals (like docking bays and port replicators) as the 750