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MCA Audio

 Howdy all, I'm new to the list, adn this is my first post. 
	I know this isn't tp'750' related, as there is no general
	thinkpad list, I'll post my question here if you don't mind.
	I'm looking for a Sound Blaster Pro (Micro Channel).  Creative
	Labs used to make one, but they no longer sell it.  If anyone
	has any ideas as to where to find that or a MCA auido card that
	is "sound blaster compatible" I'd be much appreciated. I'm trying
	to find a audio card that will fit into the tp700C's docking station.
	BTW I help maintain a tp750 if any 750 purists out there are wondering
	about my 'elgibility' on this list.  And to set matters straight
	it would be nice if the list would clarify whether this is a
	thinkpad list dedicated solely to the 750 or all thinkpads.
					Thanks,  Jay T. Jensen