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Will TSX-32 run on the TP-750?

Greetings -

I'm interested in determining if a third-party OS called TSX-32 will
run on a TP-750 (or for that matter any Thinkpad).  TSX is a VMS-like
product - I've used their PDP-11 version of it for some years now and
if the pc-version is anywhere even close it will add a whole new
dimension to command line operation, including nine easily selectable
full screen windows to tasks executed by a real job scheduler, etc..

The problem here is Thinkpad hardware is not all that easy for me to
locate (or for anyone else, I'm sure) so I'd like to ask those of you
who do have this system to give it a try.  TSX is started from dos, so
you already have everything else needed (and unzip, of course).  There
is a version called TSX-Lite available as listed below.

Please let me know how it goes, hopefully before May 2d.  By the way,
if this works, it's something I'm quite sure you'll be glad you got.


Billy Y..

>From garbo.uwasa.fi [] get these four (binary) files:

/pc/miscutil/tsx411a.zip  TSX-Lite Multi-User O/S Version 4.11 (1/4), P.Sherrod
/pc/miscutil/tsx411b.zip  TSX-Lite Multi-User O/S Version 4.11 (2/4), P.Sherrod
/pc/miscutil/tsx411c.zip  TSX-Lite Multi-User O/S Version 4.11 (3/4), P.Sherrod
/pc/miscutil/tsx411d.zip  TSX-Lite Multi-User O/S Version 4.11 (4/4), P.Sherrod