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RE: At&t KIT.

In message Mon, 18 Apr 1994 12:13:19 -0500 (EDT),
  jcumming@epas.utoronto.ca (James Cummings)  writes:

> I have Switched to QEMM, which solved part of the problem.  However, I
> seem to have a new one with WordPerfect.  It only seems to happen in
> word-perf. (6.0 for dos) and not any other editor/word-processor.  But
> It is erratically beeping and refusing to work, *sometimes* when I hit
> the control-key.  Or the arrow keys.   In arrow-ing down  a page it
> seems to refuse to work (and beep) about about 1/8th of the lines.
> I've noticed that with less available memory, the problem becomes even
> worse.

Hey!  I've got this same problem with NUPop, the offline email reader I use
(in fact I'm using it right now to type this).  The problem is most
prevalent with the up and down arrow keys, and in an OS/2 DOS box.  I had
assumed it was a problem with OS/2's DOS emulation, but I never considered
the amount of free memory had anything to do with it.  NUPop is a very
resource hungry program, and tends to hang a lot if you don't have >550k
free.  Also, it's a protected mode program.
John H. Kim              | "Just try telling the IRS you don't feel like
jokim@jarthur.cs.hmc.edu | 'contributing' this year come April" - Bob Dole
This mail sent by NUPop  | on Bill Clinton's avoidance of the word "taxes"