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Re: Q about random reboot

The IBM people suggested that I contact Microsoft.  By the way, the
problem is not affected by removing my 4megs of aftermarket memory.  All
diagnostics come up clean.  I have a monochrome, dos 6.1, and IBM sent me
their latest drivers. 

  To their credit, the folks at IBM returned my calls promptly, and
actually seemed to be working on the problem, at least for a while.  They
didn't solve it though. 

-Victor Kress

On Fri, 15 Apr 1994, Len Jacobson wrote:

> I, too, have a 750C with IBM DOS 6.1 and Windows 3.1.  I have NOT had any
> of these problems.  I would scream bloody murder to IBM if I were, however.
> >> I have a TP750 mono, and when I exit windows,
> >> the very next time I bump the trackpoint it
> >> reboots the machine.  I thought it might be
> >>
> >> Keith R.
> >>
> >I have had exactly the same problem.  I have not solved it, but I can give
> >more info.
> >
> >-V
> I have never seen the problem on my 750C with IBM DOS 6.1 and Windows
> 3.1.  I used to suffer from random reboots from inside Windows, but
> this problem went away when I upgraded to 12MB from 4MB.
> ----- End Included Message -----