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Re: Problems installing Win32s

>> Just to let you know that it is working now. It was weird, I had to install 
>> Win32s manually (from the changes it made on my desktop's SYSTEM.INI). It 
>> seems to be running fine. I'll let you know if I encounter problems in the 
>You should've definately let us know that you were using OS/2 for
>Windows too.  That makes a number of changes in your System.INI.
>Microsoft has been known to make it hard for OS/2 users, doing 
>things like, if it detects OS/2, it'll install Word 6.0 half-baked
>(I swear to you...I have the fix for it if you would like to see
>it).  My guess is that either something that OS/2 for Windows 
>installed in the SYSTEM.INI was messing up the WIn32s or that MS
>has made some sort of strange exception if it detects OS/2....
>> BTW, I read (I think in the FAQ) that 32 bit access worked fine, but in my 
>> case it is kind of flaky, I don't remember exactly what the problems were,  
>> but it was crashing my system (hybernation or suspend?). Other than that the 
>> machine works fine, it is currently running Windows and OS/2 for WIN, 
>> although I have to change SYSTEM.INI depending on which environment I am 
>> going to work. 
>BTW, how did you end up manually installing it?

Thanks to ALL of you  for your replies.

My OS2 for Windows' SYSTEM.INI is not the same one that I use for my regular 
Win 3.1 sessions, I had too many problems with the video driver and some 
other things (sorry, I fixed it a while ago and can't remember the other 
problems, but video was the worst!), so I have a batch file that copies the 
SYSTEM.INI that I fined tuned for OS/24W and replaces the one that is fined 
tuned for plain Windows. I have to have both and remember to sync then 
whenever there are changes  (like the one with Win32s). 

The problem was strictly a Windows 3.1 problem, as I expressed in my 
message, I stripped the original System.ini from all the 'strange' 
components,  nothing to do with TP-750 nor OS/2 (since this is my plain 
Windows INI). Still, no good. Anyway, it was really late when I tried to 
setup win32s (2:00 a.m.) so this morning I gave it another shot, but this 
time I had access to my desktop and just for the fun of it reinstalled 
win32s on it. Worked without a glitch. So, half frustated I decided to trick 
the 750 (well, this wouldn't be the very first time) and manually copied the 
entries that the setup program added to SYSTEM.INI:

drivers=mmsystem.dll winmm16.dll power.drv

Please note that in the [boot] section I am not sure about the winmm16.dll,  
but it certainly didn't affect my system.

Also, this assumes that you had  tried to install  win32s  and failed (since 
it copies some stuff into its own subdirectory and in \windows\system).

That's it!, after that,  Mosaic and all the other programs  worked (Although 
the newer version of Mosaic has some "features"  that the previous one -16 
bit- didn't have, but that is a different story...)

>From Sean Chou:

>Oh yeah, RE: the 32-bit file access.  Are you sure it's the file
>access? What BIOS and Utility version are you using? And what
>system do you have the Windows set up for? It has to be the
>MSDOS system with APM...

The problems with installing win32s and  the 32 bit file access are not the 
same. I am using the latest utilities and the BIOS update that I got from 
the IBM BBS several days ago, and if my memory doesn't fail, are the same as 
the ones posted on the FAQ. In fact,  one of those upgrades fixed my problem 
with MS-DOS Edit (from DOS 6.2) crashing once in a while in the middle of 
something.  And yes, MSDOS system with APM has been up and running since I 
got this machine in late December, as well as all the other IBM drivers that 
came bundled with the TP.

>From Bob Page:

>What IP stack are you running?  I originally tried to install
>Microsoft's TCP/IP stack for WFWG but gave up because it took up so
>much conventional memory.  I've since switched to a beta release of
>an upcoming PC-NFS.


I am using the Trumpet Winsock IP stack (both under SLIP and under Token 
Ring/ODI/Winpkt...), it has been extremely stable, and I am very happy with 
it. The problem with win32s is not with the IP stack (now I know, I am using 
Trumpet and win32s while I write this reply :)). With Trumpet I can have 
active 3-4 FTP sessions plus 1 Mosaic session + 1 Trumpet News Reader + 
Eudora + TELNET to  BIX.COM and PANIX.COM and still have some memory to 
spare for eventual Fileman and Write Sessions. The TP-750 has never 
complained. BTW, before someone asks, under Token Ring I can see only the 
hosts that are NOT on my same network, this is because of "tricking" the 
program into thinking that it is talking to an ENET board which in fact is a 
Token Ring... 

I am going to install TCP-IP for OS/2 over the weekend, I already did that 
on my desktop (I didn't like the interface, and setting it up to run  under 
ODINSUP was a real pain!!!.).  I'll let you know if it worked (and maybe 
give you the URL so you can connect to a WWW server running on my TP!!!). So 
far it is working over Token Ring, the TP-750 will be a SLIP setup.

IMHO I think Trumpet is more stable than some commercial applications, at 
least better than  the one I had to install at one place I do consulting (it 
acts as an IPX/IP gateway and only uses one IP address for multiple clients  
+ using Lan Workplace utilities), and is pretty expensive...

Thanks also to Randal Wittle, I got your reply while I was preparing this 
message and had already fixed my problem.


Feel free to email me if you need more information
