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Re: Still on batteries...

> > 	That's acceptable loss and about what I get.
> I disagree. That means that in 10 days the battery is fully discharged
> while just stting on the shelf.  There is no whay that the micro in the
> battery is using that much power, or that the self discharge of the
> battery is that great.

	You haven't worked much with Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries
have you?!

	They last longer in operation per size unit than Nickel-Cadmium,
but they do not hold their charge as well over time.  That's just the
facts of life.  You'll have to go to another battery technology if you
want to avoid it, but they have their own set of advantages and
disadvantages too.
> I am still planning to call IBM on this topic.

	Have fun.  It's not IBM's fault.  Its just NiMh batteries. 

Randy Whittle    whittle@scf.usc.edu
University of Southern California School of Business (Fight on, Trojans!)
 - Motorcycle nut, HP 48 & 100LX user, and...*Proud* to be Conservative!
 "It's not denial, I'm just very selective about the reality I accept." -Calvin
|  o o o   o  |  <o      o>  | Just because we disagree doesn't            |
| <><><>   <> |  /-+-- --+X  |    mean I have to kill you.                 |
| ||||||   || | />        <\ |  ...Unless, of course, I really want to...  |
(Standard disclaimers apply--and if you're a liberal wacko, go soak your head.)