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Re: Comm. problems

In message Thu, 31 Mar 94 17:56:28 MST,
  twkary@nucleus.cuc.ab.ca (Tim Kary)  writes:

> Overall I am pleased with the 750Cs except for the apparent lack of
> application memory.

Wow.  I'm beginning to wonder if maybe this is some IBM conspiracy to get
people to use OS/2.

I was debugging somebody else's program on my TP750.  The program was
overlaid so it'd fit in <600k of memory.  Of course after compiling and
linking it it wouldn't run.  I didn't know if the overlaying was the
problem, or if there was another bug in the program.  Solution?  I use OS/2
so I changed my DOS box setting to mono video mode.  That gives DOS programs
700k or so of free memory.  I compiled it without overlays and ran it (650k
RAM required to run).  Decided it was a bug in the program.

OS/2 has support for my PCMCIA modem, audio, SB emulation, etc. all
installed.  Those drivers just don't take any of the lower 640k needed by
DOS programs.
John H. Kim              | "Just try telling the IRS you don't feel like
jokim@jarthur.cs.hmc.edu | 'contributing' this year come April" - Bob Dole
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