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Re: Comm. problems


Your message of March 28, 1994 to Chris Schumann read:

>	I've been using EZPlay for a month and it has worked flawlessly.
>I've been able to load all of the software high and have 589K
> left, even
>with Smartdrive loaded low. I'm using IBM DOS 6.1/Windows 3.1
> on my 750Cs.

As a new owner of a 750Cs I would be interested in seeing the
make-up of your config.sys file. Could you put it on the list? I have
loaded te new BIOS, but am unfamiliar with the EZPlay system (except
that I know it exists). I agree with Chris, that any driver that takes
more memory below the 640K boundary must be unloaded. I am running
MS-DOS 6.2 and Windows 3.1, MemMaker is installed, and I still can only
free up 514K of conventional memory. The 64K upper memory is full, but
there still exists a large chunk of upper memory listed as being
"reserved". Is there a way of accessing this reserved area? Any help
would be appreciated.

Overall I am pleased with the 750Cs except for the apparent lack of
application memory. I am also using the Megahertz XJ1144 PCMCIA
fax/modem - I love it!:-)

Any body else have any other suggestions to increase application memory?
I've also tried QEMM Ver. 7.03 - no luck. After 45 minutes trying
various configurations, the tech rep concluded that QEMM was not
compatible with this system.:-(

Thanks in advance!

Tim Kary
Tim Kary                              twkary@nucleus.cuc.ab.ca
403-262-7021   403-262-1392(FAX)      T.Kary@genie.geis.com
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert Einstein