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can (values) be the (an) unspecified value?

   Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 16:18:16 -0500
   From: Guillermo J. Rozas <gjr@martigny.ai.mit.edu>

   Does this mean that the implicit continuations in a begin accept 0 or
   1 return values, or that you must write silly things like the

       (lambda () (set! x 3))
       (lambda () 3))

I was under the impression that we all agree that non-final forms in a
begin (or implicit begin) can deliver any number of values, e.g.
(begin (values) (values 1 2 3) 7) is OK, and that if this was omitted
from the approved multiple value proposal, it was an oversight.
And the editor is advised to make it all clear in the report, etc.
The formal semantics already allows it, so no change is needed there.

I'm afraid to ask -- there aren't any objections, are there?