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A module question

In the Curtis/Rauen module proposal, what do non definitions within
modules mean?  For example, what is printed by the following program?

(interface a (value x))
(interface b (value y))
(module f ((exports a) (imports b) (open b))
  (define x 0)
  (set! x (+ x y)))
(module g ((exports b) (imports a) (open a))
  (define y 0)
  (set! y (+ x y)))
(display f#x)
(display g#y)


Changing the subject, I would like to start a discussion on this
module proposal by asking the following question.

  Ignoring meta-modules, what do you think about the idea of
  basing a module system on a simplification of the Mesa design?
  In particular, is the notion that modules should not be first 
  class controversial?

In my opinion, modules should not be first class.