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Good day,
We are using the only secured and confidential medium
available to seek for foreign assistance/partnership in a
business transaction, which is fulfillment of a lifetime.
I am, Dr Newland Moloi, member; Tenders Committee,
Department of Minerals and Energy, Republic of South Africa.
I am making this contact with you based on the committee's
need for an individual/company who is willing to assist us
with a solution to a money transfer.
This amount Seventeen million, One hundred thousand United
States Dollars (US$17.1M) represents the balance of the
total contract value executed on behalf of Department of
Minerals and Energy by a foreign contracting firm, which we
the officials over-invoiced deliberately, of which the
actual sum has been paid. Should you be willing to assist us
in the transaction, your share of the sum will be 27% of the
US$17.1M 67% for us and 6% for taxation and miscellaneous
Please be confidential about this transaction, because the
processes for successful completion of this transaction will
be detailed to you as we still work in the Department of
Minerals and Energy and we would not like any form of exposure.
Do not be indecisive to respond or call me for further
information, my private Tel: +871 762 919 750 and Fax: +871
762 919 751, Also reply me with your confidential phone and
fax numbers to enable me contact you for further
clarifications. Your call will be treated as confidential.
I await your instantaneous response.
Yours faithfully,
Newland Moloi, (PhD).
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