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[Fwd: RE: meeting with MIT DOF, 12 dec 2003]


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: meeting with MIT DOF, 12 dec 2003
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 13:43:29 -0500
From: Greg Knight <GKnight@PLANT.MIT.EDU>
To: "'Seth Teller'" <teller@csail.mit.edu>, Michael Craig
CC: Greg Knight <gknight@mit.edu>, Michael Parkin <mparkin@PLANT.MIT.EDU>

Seth et all,

I've reposted the latest basemap in both dwg and dxf formats at:


I'm in the process of reposting all the floorplans in dxf format to:


These will be here later today when the script finishes executing.  |
NOTE: The filenaming convention has been changed slightly.  We are now
using an underscore "_" rather than a dot "." to deliniate between
building and floor.  The complete floorplan filenaming convention is as
follows:  <building>_<floor>.dxf

Talk to you soon,


-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Teller [mailto:teller@csail.mit.edu]
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 1:23 PM
To: Michael Craig
Cc: Greg Knight; Michael Parkin
Subject: meeting with MIT DOF, 12 dec 2003


we had a good meeting with greg knight & mike parkin (cc'ed). they
clarified their data model and dataflow, and committed to several info
conventions and transfers.  specifically they will

   * tell us about the naming convention changes they
     are making in january

   * will post a reasonably current DXF basemap to file
     campus_basemap_R2000.dxf (or similar name) & send URL

   * add a hidden layer on the basemap, in which they will
     complete any "open" contours

   * will continue non-hidden contours under and coincident
     with fences and other linear features

   * will provide sea-level altitudes per floorplan, but
     only for some floorplans (they have only partial info)

* will share their orthophoto info with us when it exists

on our side, we will:

   * identify places where route attribute information is
     either unavailable, or can't be inferred from the data

   * follow up with suzana lisanti on accessibility and
     route generation issues.

   * get in touch to schedule a followup with DOF near
     the end of IAP

prof. t.