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[Fwd: new BMG pipeline code]

i'm emailing you because each of you has expressed interest in the BMG code. we've released it to the public domain (see michael's message below). we don't plan to support the code externally, but we will certainly read your complaints and suggestions, and probably fold fixes into our current codebase, with updates released periodically. please send them to bmg@graphics.lcs.mit.edu ; messages to this address come to everyone in the group, and are archived automatically.


seth teller.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: new BMG pipeline code
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 17:19:56 -0400
From: Michael Craig <mic@graphics.lcs.mit.edu>
To: isythica@yahoo.com, sequin@cs.berkeley.edu
CC: bmg@graphics.lcs.mit.edu


initial code for the new BMG pipeline is now up, at
http://city.lcs.mit.edu/bmg/, under "Miscellaneous Project Information."
acad2ug2 and dejunk2 are included --
though i have only tested them on MIT's floor plans so far, they
are fairly general and should work fine on any DXFs. the biggest piece,
walls2, is still under heavy development and is not yet included. we
cannot officially provide support right now, but if you have any thoughts,
send them my way.
