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Re: cvs and meeting -- today 515pm
assuming some of us want to go to the talk at 415 --
that's in 35-225. let's make our way back together
from that, and talk on the way.
let's meet as a group in the G lab at 515 today.
from email, it seems that everyone can make that.
peter, true for you?
see you then.
prof. t.
Luka wrote:
> on cvs:
> noticed patrick's last commit revealed a bug in my loginfo script.
> fixed. (i hope.)
> on meeting:
> interesting eecs colloquium this tuesday 4-5, which i'd like to go
> to. (seth sent info about this series to graphics a while back.)
> the main info page...
> http://lids.mit.edu/events.htm
> and this tuesday's fare...
> Tuesday, April 1, 4-5 pm, 35-225
> How Much Information is Contained in a Quantum State?
> Peter Shor, AT&T Research
> abstract: We consider the question: how much classical information
> is contained in an ensemble of quantum states? There are several
> possible answers to this question. These answers are closely related
> to the classical capacity of a quantum channel, which is given by a
> generalization of Shannon's celebrated forumla.
> next tuesday also promises to be interesting. david mumford, on
> computer vision and riemannian geometry. and after that is radia
> perlman on the IPsec auth protocol.
> perhaps we should resched our meeting time? if people send me a list
> of times they are unavailable this term, i'll NOR them together and
> send back out a list of plausible times to move to. (we never actually
> did this at start of term... just noticed that pushing our old time
> forward to 4:15 worked and went with that.)
> -pl