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cvs and meeting
on cvs:
noticed patrick's last commit revealed a bug in my loginfo script.
fixed. (i hope.)
on meeting:
interesting eecs colloquium this tuesday 4-5, which i'd like to go
to. (seth sent info about this series to graphics a while back.)
the main info page...
and this tuesday's fare...
Tuesday, April 1, 4-5 pm, 35-225
How Much Information is Contained in a Quantum State?
Peter Shor, AT&T Research
abstract: We consider the question: how much classical information
is contained in an ensemble of quantum states? There are several
possible answers to this question. These answers are closely related
to the classical capacity of a quantum channel, which is given by a
generalization of Shannon's celebrated forumla.
next tuesday also promises to be interesting. david mumford, on
computer vision and riemannian geometry. and after that is radia
perlman on the IPsec auth protocol.
perhaps we should resched our meeting time? if people send me a list
of times they are unavailable this term, i'll NOR them together and
send back out a list of plausible times to move to. (we never actually
did this at start of term... just noticed that pushing our old time
forward to 4:15 worked and went with that.)