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structure of, errors in generated iv
- To: Building Model Generation Group <bmg@graphics.lcs.mit.edu>
- Subject: structure of, errors in generated iv
- From: Seth Teller <teller@lcs.mit.edu>
- Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 14:24:51 -0400
- Organization: MIT Computer Graphics Group
- Sender: seth
sean, will --
upon closer inspection, i'm unable to view many of
the 3D.iv files (example: 3D.iv in directory
that file starts with a huge list of vertices --
something like 100,000 or so (!) -- then a long
list of individual, switch-enclosed face DEFs
followed by color USEs and face USEs.
i would suggest restructuring things to have
1) *fewer* vertices per coord3 block --
a few hundred at most
2) *more* faces per instance block --
a few dozen or hundred at least.
of course, "block" is a vague notion-- blocks should
be some meaningful grouping of source geometry. for
example a block could be all of the geometry in a
named space. or a block could be all of the geometry
that fits into a few hundred vertices (once this limit
is reached you could close off the block, issue its
USEs, and start a new one).
clearly this is another thing to think about and get
also, there are many error messages in the W7.?.errors
files in that directory -- unknown group, etc. can
you track down the cause of these?
prof. t.