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RE: building information (fwd)
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Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 13:22:35 -0500
From: Greg Knight <GKnight@PLANT.MIT.EDU>
To: 'Andreas F Wehowsky' <andreasw@mit.edu>
Cc: Maryla Walters <MWalters@PLANT.MIT.EDU>
Subject: RE: building information
Here are the answers to your questions.
1a. At this time, there isn't a script or report on the space accounting web
page that returns distinct floors for each or every building. I ran a
custom query/report against the db to retrieve this information. I'm
attaching a spreadsheet with that information here.
1b. Building height from grade is available on the space accounting website.
This may not be convenient for your work however. If it would be easier for
me to send you a single spreadsheet with this information let me know - its
readily done. You'll also note that some buildings don't have heights. In
those cases, you'll have to refer to our archives of record construction
documents. Maryla Walters (our archivist - cc'd here for info) can help you
with this. We should take advantage of this data collection effort and make
note of these missing heights and record them in the database for use in the
1c./2. Building floor elevations (height above sea level) are not recorded
in our database. Some of this information is captured in topographical
surveys that we have of campus. Not all areas of campus have been surveyed,
so again, the information here is not complete.
3. In the course of developing composite floorplans of campus we have
captured building insertion and rotation parameters. At this point, the
information isn't in the database, but stored a spreadsheet. I can make
this available to you as well if you'd like.
Hope this helps. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
Greg Knight
Manager, Drawing Information Systems
MIT, Department of Facilities
77 Massachusetts Avenue, NE20-277
Cambridge, MA 02139
-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas F Wehowsky [mailto:andreasw@MIT.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 5:07 PM
To: gknight@MIT.EDU
Subject: building information
Hello Greg,
I'm Andreas Wehowsky, a computer science student, working for Seth Teller
at the computer graphics lab.
We are working on how to generate a 3d model of the MIT Campus.
I have some questions,
how do we for each building the easiest and safest (reliable) way find
1. number of floors, height and height/floor for the building
2. the elevation (z coordinate - e.g. above sea level)
3. the right orientation for the building: we have the base map of MIT and
we can obtain floorplans for each building, but how do we find out how to
rotate the floorplans, so it matches the right base map orientation? E.g.
one could link information between floorplans and the base map and
describe what corner is the most south-east.
I hope you can help us or tell where to find more information.