The StreamIt packages are distributed as gziped tar files. Once downloaded, unpack the distributions in a directory of your choice (e.g., tar zxvf streamit-2.1.tar.gz).

Before using StreamIt, you need to setup your shell environment, configure, and build the compiler and libraries. Instructions are provided below, but first review the list of software requirements before proceeding.

1a) Setting the Shell Environment (Source Release)

In order to compile StreamIt, ensure that compiler for Java version 1.5 is installed and can compile Java programs on your system. Next, add the following commands to your shell startup files:

1b) Setting the Shell Environment (Binary Release)

If you downloaded the binary release, setup your environment as follows:

2) Re-source Shell Startup Files

Re-source your shell startup file or re-login to register changes to your shell environment.

3) Configuring the Compiler

An autoconfiguration script is available in $STREAMIT_HOME. To configure the compiler, launch the script from the top level StreamIt directory as follows:

4) Building the StreamIt Compiler

Once your system is configured, build StreamIt as follows (this is required for the binary release as well):

5) Testing the StreamIt Compiler

Once your system is built, run the following simple test (remember to setup your environment):

The a.out program should print the numbers 0 through 9, in order, on your screen.