Blue-Steel is a parallel ray tracer for generating high quality animations of 3 dimensional scenes constructed of triangles and spheres, with a variety of different lights and procedural shaders.

Distributing the work for this normally time-intensive process across the six SPEs of the Cell processor in the PS3 allows us to create very complex looking scenes with objects, lights, and materials updated dynamically every animation frame, and render these scenes at interactive rates between 10 and 15 frames per second. We demonstrated Blue-Steel using a variant of the classic Pong game.

In less than four weeks, we achieved quite a bit. On February 1, we presented a short-demo of Blue-Steel. Click the play button on the right to watch it.
The demo visually demonstrates the performance scalability we achieve by leveraging more and more SPEs to increase the ray tracer throughput.


On March 7, 2007, we presented our work and experience programming Cell at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.


We are making available our source code for download under the terms of the MIT Open Source License. The tar ball includes a README file with an overview of the code organization, a Makefile to build the code on a PS3 with the latest Cell SDK available from developerWorks. The code was developed on a PS3 running Yellow Dog Linux. We also included a prebuilt binary of our Pong game that you can play on your PS3 using a standard PS3 6-axis controller.

Blue-Steel Team (in alphabetical order)

  • Natalia Chernenko
  • Michael D'Ambrosio
  • Scott Fisher
  • RJ Ryan
  • Brian Sweatt
  • Leevar Williams