Medical Computer Vision 2010
Recognition Techniques and Applications in Medical Imaging
Workshop @ MICCAI 2010 | September 20, 2010
Medical Computer Vision 2010
Recognition Techniques and Applications in Medical Imaging
Workshop @ MICCAI 2010 | September 20, 2010
This workshop aims at exploring the use of modern image recognition technology in tasks such as semantic anatomy parsing, automatic segmentation and quantification, anomaly detection and categorization, data harvesting, semantic navigation and visualization, data organization and clustering, and general-purpose automatic understanding of medical images. We are especially interested in modern, scalable and efficient algorithms which can be applied e.g. to large longitudinal studies, high-resolution n-dimensional datasets and in hospital-scale databases.
The focus is on principled approaches which go beyond the limits of current model-driven image analysis, are provably efficient and which generalize well to previously unseen images; we are also interested in emerging applications which go beyond the analysis of individual clinical studies and specific diagnostic tasks – a current focus of many computational methods in medical imaging. We encourage the submission of original papers at the interface of computer vision, machine learning, and medical imaging analysis, to push the boundaries of what current medical software applications can deliver in both clinical and research medical settings.
Best Scientific Paper Prize
B. Michael Kelm, S. Kevin Zhou, Michael Suehling, Yefeng Zheng, Michael Wels, and Dorin Comaniciu. Detection of 3D Spinal Geometry Using Iterated Marginal Space Learning.
Runners Up
Peter Maday, Parmeshwar Khurd, Lance Ladic, Mitchell Schnall, Mark Rosen, Christos Davatzikos, and Ali Kamen. Imaging as a Surrogate for the Early Prediction and Assessment of Treatment Response through the Analysis of 4-D Texture Ensembles.
Dongfeng Han, John Bayuoth, Sudershan Bhatia, Milan Sonka, and Xiaodong Wu Motion Artifact Reduction in 4D Helical CT: Graph-Based Structure Alignment.
•Proceedings published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 5933
•Updated Programme online
•Accepted papers online
•Notification: July 14th 2010
•Submission closed
•Submission deadline extended: June 15th 2010
•Submission is now open: online submission
•Invited Speaker: Dorin Comaniciu (Siemens)
•Proceedings will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
•The best submission will be awarded a Best Scientific Paper Prize sponsored by Microsoft Research.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
•Approaches generalizing computer vision methods to medical applications, specifically from 2D natural images to 3D medical images.
•General purpose approaches for increasing the degree of automation in segmentation and quantification (possibly complementing model-driven methods).
•Computer vision and machine learning methods using 3D atlases / spatial prior in object recognition and categorization.
•Low level local or global image descriptors / interest points and their application in medical image modeling and object localization.
•Learning approaches for registration, calibration and related image transforms.
•Applications of web-driven techniques to medical datasets.
•Semantic anatomy parsing, semantic navigation and visualization.
•Image indexing, data organization, data harvesting.
•Supervised and unsupervised anomaly detection.
•Automatic anatomical structure localization.
•Real-time medical image applications.
Important dates:
•Submission of full papers (8-10 pages LNCS format): June 15th 2010 (ext.)
•Notification of acceptance: July 12th 2010
•Submission of camera ready papers: July 22th 2010
•Workshop: 1 day workshop during MICCAI 2010, September 20, 2010
Bjoern Menze (CSAIL, MIT; INRIA Sophia-Antipolis)
Georg Langs (CSAIL, MIT)
Zhuowen Tu (LONI UCLA)
Antonio Criminisi (Microsoft Research)
Program Committee:
P. Anandan (Microsoft Research)
N. Ayache (INRIA Sophia)
C. Barillot (IRISA)
H.Bischof (TU Graz)
K. Buehler (VRVIS)
D. Comaniciu (Siemens)
T. Cootes (Univ. Manchester)
R. Deriche (INRIA)
P. Golland (MIT)
H.Greenspan (Univ. Tel Aviv)
J. Hays (Brown Univ.)
J. Hornegger (U Erlangen)
M. Kelm (Siemens)
R. Kikinis (Harvard)
E. Konukoglu (Microsoft Research)
K. van Leemput (Harvard)
H.P. Meinzer (DKFZ Heidelberg)
A. Montillo (Microsoft)
T. Papadopoulos (INRIA)
N. Paragios (ECP, INRIA)
X. Pennec (INRIA)
K. Pohl (IBM)
T. Riklin Raviv (MIT)
K.Rohr (DKFZ Heidelberg)
R.Sablatnig (TU Vienna)
Y. Shi (UCLA)
P. Torr (Oxford)
M. Urschler (TU Graz)
T. Verkauteren (Mauna Kea Technologies)
R.Vidal (Johns Hopkins)
M. Wels (Siemens)
Left: MCV Workshop 2010; Right: Bjoern Menze presents the Best Paper Prize to Yefeng Zheng, co-author of M. Kelm et al. ‘Detection of 3D Spinal Geometry Using Iterated Marginal Space Learning’