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Re: GNU Extension Language Plans

  ... but now he wants to come down from the mountain with his
  rough-cut tablets and tell us how he wants Scheme to be.

Based only on a careful reading Stallman's message, I conclude
that he's doing nothing of the sort; rather, he's trying to tell
us what GEL should be, and suggesting (very strongly, and very
complimentarily) that it should be a MODIFIED Scheme; his
concluding line is in fact:

   The universal extension language should be modified Scheme.

Now for an opinion:  I think Stallman would be delighted if his
modified Scheme turned out to be exactly Scheme, but he's not
going to let that get in his way of defining, implementing, and
distributing a GEL, since that's his real goal.

So it seems to me that you all have a choice: you can either try 

to get Stallman to make GEL look as much like Scheme as possible,
or you can take your chances and just HOPE that that happens.
I know which option I'd choose if I were an active member of this
community, but I'm not...  which means you can take my opinion
and toss it if you like (:-).

  -Paul Hudak

Professor Paul Hudak
Department of Computer Science
Yale University
P.O. Box 208285
New Haven, CT 06520-8285
(203) 432-4715