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my plans for the term

Hi Everyone,

I'm back at MIT, and spinning up for my 2nd term as a grad student. For those of you who haven't heard yet, I'm also one of the TAs for 6.837 this term, mostly thanks to Prof. Teller's heroics at the end of the summer.

My main BMG-related objective is to integrate the BMG pipeline with Jason Bell's location server. At the moment, his code uses an old data source which was probably generated by a version of walls long ago. I would like to possibly hack our current version of walls (or some other program - I'm not sure what the right stage is for this) to give me new data. I'm not averse to rewriting substantial portions of Bell's thesis, though would like to avoid too much work.

I'll talk more about this at our next meeting, which we should coordinate soon. Luka, Mike -- you guys out there and alive?
