Prof. Saman Amarasinghe and Dr. Rodric Rabbah

Lectures: Mon, Wed, and Fri 10am-12:00pm in 34-301

The lectures provide an introduction to parallel programming and parallel architectures. The recitations echo some of the lectures in a Cell specific context, and offer in depth programming examples, exercises, and labs.

  • Lecture 1: Course Introduction (Prof. Saman Amarasinghe, MIT)
  • Lecture 2: Introduction to Cell Processor (Dr. Michael Perrone, IBM)
  • Lecture 3: Introduction to Parallel Architectures (Prof. Saman Amarasinghe, MIT)
  • Lecture 4: Introduction to Concurrent Programming (Prof. Saman Amarasinghe, MIT)
  • Lecture 5: Parallel Programming Concepts (Dr. Rodric Rabbah, IBM)
  • Lecture 6: Parallel Programming Design Patterns I (Dr. Rodric Rabbah, IBM)
  • Lecture 7: Parallel Programming Design Patterns II (Dr. Rodric Rabbah, IBM)
  • Lecture 8: StreamIt Language (Bill Thies, MIT)
  • Lecture 9: Debugging Parallel Programs (Dr. Rodric Rabbah, IBM)
  • Lecture 10: Performance Monitoring and Optimizations (Dr. Rodric Rabbah, IBM)
  • Lecture 11: Parallelizing Compilers (Prof. Saman Amarasinghe, MIT)
  • Lecture 12: StreamIt Parallelizing Compiler (Prof. Saman Amarasinghe, MIT)
  • Lecture 13: Star-P (Prof. Alan Edelman, MIT)
  • Lecture 14: Synthesizing Parallel Programs (Prof. Arvind, MIT)
  • Lecture 15: Cilk (Dr. Bradley Kuszmaul, MIT)
  • Lecture 16: Introduction to Game Development (Mike Acton, Insomiac Games)
  • Lecture 17: The Raw Experience (Dr. Rodric Rabbah, IBM)
  • Lecture 18: The Future (Prof. Saman Amarasinghe, MIT)