4 images
4 annotated
32 objects
  Definition (WordNet): A court on which the game of handball is played

List of most common objects found in this place sorted by frequency.
4 in this scene
2269 total
4 in this scene
5785 total
4 in this scene
20213 total
3 in this scene
2253 total
3 in this scene
1508 total
3 in this scene
6328 total
2 in this scene
58 total
2 in this scene
798 total
1 in this scene
6043 total
1 in this scene
2427 total
1 in this scene
1 total
1 in this scene
6202 total
1 in this scene
1438 total
1 in this scene
257 total
1 in this scene
4956 total

Similar scenes
List of places with the most similar object distributions. The list is sorted by similarity.
5 images
3 annotated
35 objects
6 images
2 annotated
15 objects
47 images
27 annotated
513 objects
70 images
10 annotated
84 objects
4 images
3 annotated
24 objects
40 images
10 annotated
75 objects
7 images
7 annotated
62 objects
78 images
9 annotated
102 objects
4 images
4 annotated
53 objects

Annotated images

Non-annotated images