4 images
4 annotated
97 objects
  Definition (WordNet): "a seat in a separate, semi-enclosed box at a public place of entertainment, such as a theater or stadium"

List of most common objects found in this place sorted by frequency.
20 in this scene
6202 total
18 in this scene
20213 total
17 in this scene
2696 total
5 in this scene
179 total
4 in this scene
5284 total
4 in this scene
7227 total
4 in this scene
865 total
3 in this scene
1612 total
3 in this scene
276 total
3 in this scene
855 total
3 in this scene
612 total
3 in this scene
376 total
2 in this scene
3102 total
2 in this scene
688 total
2 in this scene
2999 total
1 in this scene
1746 total
1 in this scene
6268 total
1 in this scene
58 total
1 in this scene
453 total

Similar scenes
List of places with the most similar object distributions. The list is sorted by similarity.
138 images
9 annotated
136 objects
5 images
5 annotated
75 objects
132 images
9 annotated
123 objects
16 images
11 annotated
102 objects
45 images
5 annotated
71 objects
169 images
12 annotated
223 objects
13 images
5 annotated
96 objects
21 images
4 annotated
79 objects
400 images
13 annotated
164 objects

Annotated images

Non-annotated images