Constance Heitmeyer and Nancy Lynch. Formal Verification of Real-time Systems Using Timed Automata. In Constance Heitmeyer and Dino Mandrioli, editors, Chapter 4 of Trends in Formal Methods for Real-Time Computing. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., pages 83-106, April 1996. Trends in Software series.


The use of the Lynch-Vaandrager timed automaton model is illustrated with a solution to the Generalized Railroad Crossing problem. The solution shows formally the correspondence between four system descriptions: an axiomatic (i.e., descriptive) specification, an operational specification represented in terms of timed automata, a discrete system implementation, and a system implementation that works with a continuous gate model. Several sample proofs are given. In the development of the solution, a number of guidelines were applied. These guidelines, which should prove useful in applying formal methods to practical systems, are described and illustrated with examples.

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